Birth Trauma Healing


You may need birth trauma healing if relive the event through flashbacks, dreams and intrusive thoughts. Another symptom you could have is no longer believing, trusting or feeling safe in your body. You could be avoiding reminders of the day, dissociated from reality or baby, increased anxiety and/or depression. Birth Trauma healing is done using the Kundalini Reiki healing method. Read full description for more info….


Birth trauma healing is for healing any trauma associated with your birth or you giving birth. This healing is done by using the Kundalini Reiki method. Kundalini is said to be the most powerful and impactful form of reiki healing. Kundalini reiki can be sent to any person, object, and time.


You may need birth trauma healing if relive the event through flashbacks, dreams and intrusive thoughts. Another symptom you could have is no longer believing, trusting or feeling safe in your body. You could be avoiding reminders of the day, dissociated from reality or baby, increased anxiety and/or depression.


This session will last for 30 minutes. You do not have to be in person or present during the time of the session. Energy flows where it is directed, traveling long distances between space and time.

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