Kundalini Reiki

The article that everyone has been waiting for on Kundalini Reiki is here! Kundalini Reiki is such a beautiful and intense practice. It is also one of ease due to it’s quick session times & simple methods. I invite you into the exciting world of Kundalini energy through this article but first you have to understand what reiki is. If you do not know what reiki is please click here to read all about it.

What is Kundalini Reiki?

Kundalini roughly translates to “coiled power”. It is a form of feminine energy believed to be located at the base of your spine a.k.a. your root chakra. The kundalini energy is referred to as the “Kundalini Fire”. When this fire is ignited, it will travel up your spine from the base (root) up & out the crown (top of head). As it travels upwards it is believed to coil around your spine like a serpent working through your Central Nervous System (CNS). During your fires rising it releases stress & trauma built up in your CNS through a process of mental & bodily purification. Kundalini reiki is an advanced form of reiki aimed to project your awareness into the higher heavenly dimensions of the universe.

What’s The Difference?

There are many differences between traditional Usui Reiki and Kundalini Reiki. Usui is the traditional practice of Reiki, it’s the practice that started energy healing as a whole. Kundalini was discovered later on through the inspiration of Usui. Usui practitioners channel “Life Force Energy” through their hands while Kundalini practitioners channel Kundalini Energy through their Kundalini Fire. The focus of Usui is the balance & maintenance of your chakras. Kundalini’s focus & goal is an indescribable expansion of consciousness into the spiritual realms beyond form and thought. If you’re looking for spiritual maintenance Usui Reiki will be what you’re needing. If you’re looking for a multi-dimensional inner awakening Kundalini Reiki would be the one for you.

Kundalini Healings

When you become a Kundalini practitioner you will be able to preform many different services to your clients. The practice of Kundalini Reiki is reiki being channeled through your personal Kundalini Fire and branches off to many other healing options. Some of the things you’ll be able to offer are Diamond Reiki, Crystalline Reiki, Karmic Band Reiki, DNA Reiki, Past Life Reiki, Birth Trauma Reiki & more. Once becoming a Kundalini Master you will not only be able to attune others but you’ll also be able to attune objects, animals, plants to be a Kundalini Reiki channel.

Receiving Kundalini Reiki

Receiving Kundalini Reiki is very different. The practitioner will only need to send the Kundalini Energy for 5 minutes. The energy will continue to work through your body for as long as it is needed. This is why some healings, such as DNA Repair, only needs one treatment per patient. Kundalini Reiki can be sent in person & long distance. It can also be sent to different times just like Usui Reiki can.

When receiving Kundalini Reiki you may feel tingling sensations or may not experience anything at all. This does not mean the treatment was unsuccessful. You will only receive as much as you need: never more than, never less than. Depending on which Kundalini treatment you received, you’ll experience different symptoms though some feel nothing at all. Talk with your reiki practitioner about what to expect. Though your practitioner will only need 5 minutes they may keep you longer depending on their healing ritual, especially during an in-person treatment. You’ll either be laying down or sitting up in a chair. The practitioner will place their hands on your shoulders to start the energy flow. If you’re receiving a treatment long distance, there is no need to do anything at all. You may continue your regular scheduled day just like I mentioned in the Usui Reiki article.

Becoming A Kundalini Master

Most Kundalini Masters will require you to be attuned to Usui Reiki before becoming attuned to Kundalini Reiki. This is because you have to know the basics, how it all started, how to channel energy, etc. The process to becoming Kundalini Master will be a lot faster than the Usui program. You can become a master within 13 days, but understand bearing the title of Master is different from actually being a Master. You will have a “Kundalini Awakening” through the process of being attuned to Kundalini Energy. Take note of all mental breakthroughs you have. Those crucial lessons learned through your healing, awakening & attunement process will make your deserving of the title Kundalini Master.

Everyone will have their own method teaching & attuning others. I will explain my process. Each student will have a video call with me where I show them a presentation. This presentation covers all 3 levels of Kundalini Reiki. After the presentation I then go forth with the first attunement. These attunements are done through a preprogrammed chi ball. The chi ball will release the attunements at its programmed times. There will be a total of 3 attunements. The first one will be after the presentation, the second one will be 2 days after, the third one will be done 10 days after the second attunement. During the attunement the student will lay or sit with their palms facing upwards. The student must remain undisturbed for 25-30 minutes. I send all my students a pdf version of the Kundalini Master handbook & a certificate after their master attunement.

Interested In Kundalini Reiki?

Now that you have read about the beautiful & awakening practices of Kundalini Reiki you will be able to determine if this is right for you. This is an intense practice but nothing you should fear. It is something you need to be ready for though. You may be forced to heal & face things you have been avoiding but please keep in mind that if it’s being brought up the universe is trying to tell you that you’re ready to heal this. To check out my Kundalini Reiki services Click Here. If you’re ready to expand your reiki practices & want to become a Kundalini Reiki Master Click Here.

2 thoughts on “Kundalini Reiki

  1. Another great blog !!! This was written so beautifully and really helped me understand the difference. I’m definitely going to be taking your classes as soon as I can, this seems like such an amazing thing to have in my toolbox.

  2. There is definitely a difference in energy between kundalini and traditional usui! I have loved kundalini- I’ve been doing the meditations I learned from your course every day. That course has changed my dang life haha

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