Connecting To Source

What is “source”?

Connecting to source means so many things to so many different people. Essentially, this is a term used in the spiritual community describing the practice of quieting the mind and energetically connecting to the main source of energy. To some it’s God, to others its nature or the universe.

Personally, this practice has been meaning different things to me recently. I recently had a major lifestyle change, moving away from a life I’ve only known. I’m seeing alternate universes colliding and merging together, a sweeping of a drastic change for the collective. What force is behind this all? Does it even matter to know?

Throughout all my years as a spiritual student, practitioner and mentor I consistently see people wanting to know who is this source and where does all this come from? They are so focused on finding this out that they miss the point behind the practice. Connecting to source isn’t for solving one of the greatest universal mysteries. Connecting to source is establishing a line of communication, a direct energy channel between you and the main outlet. With doing so you can receive informational downloads, instant clarity on current situations, healing, a recharge, chakra alignment, inner peace. This practice will give you so much gratitude and peace of mind because you know you have that connection.

How to connect to source

I use to think that you had to sit on the ground, Indian style, with your eyes closed going into a meditation. Sure, that’s one way but not the only way. One size does NOT fit all in this case. Think to yourself, “what quiets my mind?”. What is something you do that grabs your complete focus, interests you and relaxes you? Some examples for me are baking, gardening, sewing, organizing, singing, dancing, being out in nature, driving. Sourdough baking has been so beneficial to me spiritually lately. Working with a 70+ year old starter, baking the same way our elders did, it really has brought me so much clarity and healing.

L.T. with sourdough starters connecting to source
Baby with chicken coop connecting to source

How do these things connect you to source? Think about it. My sourdough starter is 70+ years old and is the base of all my recipes, being the SOURCE. Hanging out with the chickens, collecting the eggs, they’re the SOURCE of our food. With gardening your digging your hands in that soil and planting those seeds which grow food, two SOURCES. While your doing these activities your mind is quiet and focused, so downloads and messages are free to flow. You’re grounding and recharging by SOURCE allowing healing to happen. Ever wonder why you feel drastically better after doling these things you love? Because you have successfully connected to source.

The take away

Connecting to source is not about who or what you’re connecting to. It is about quieting your mind to feel the love and see what source is doing for you. It’s about getting back down to your roots, expanding your mind, establishing a relationship between you and whatever that source may be. Everyone’s path and way is customized just for them. Enjoy your path. Do what feels right. Above all, be grateful for you life and everything you’re receiving.

baby feet and mom on four wheeler atv connecting to source

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