All About Mediumship

all about mediumship

With divination being my main focus and area of expertise, it’s only right I write a blog or two or four on mediumship. Yes, there will be more blogs about mediumship coming soon. I have been a psychic medium all my life and have way too many experiences and information on this topic to fit it all in one blog post. Let’s get started on the basics today. What is mediumship? What is the difference between being a psychic and psychic medium? Keep reading for the answers to these questions and more.


What Is Mediumship?

Mediumship is the practice of communicating with passed loved ones, spirit guides, and other non-physical beings. Mediumship is an ancient tradition but grew to greater prominence during the Spiritualist Movement which began sometime during the mid-1800s.

Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd attended séances given by Mediums who practiced spiritualism, in the hope of communicating with their deceased children. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, believed in and supported mediumship.


What Is A Medium?

A Medium is someone who uses their extrasensory perception to communicate with those who have passed on and other spiritual beings. Those who practice mediumship act as a kind of conduit or bridge between the physical world to the Other Side and bring through information from heavenly spirits to give to the querent. They help with connecting these energies.

A Medium is psychic but not every psychic chooses to work as a Medium. They are able to feel and/or hear thoughts, voices, or mental impressions from the spirit world. A medium is able to become completely receptive to the higher frequency or energies on which spirit people vibrate.


Types of Mediums.

Did you know there are different types of Mediums with different abilities to connect with those who have passed on? They fall into two general categories: Mental Mediumship, and Physical Mediumship.

While individual Mediums may mix and match abilities from both areas, Mental Mediumship involves the psychic connecting their consciousness directly with a spirit in a telepathic bond and speaking what the spirit is saying through them.

Physical Mediumship involves the use of physical energies, allowing a spirit to inhabit and take control of their bodies.

In physical mediumship, the actual physical body is used to obtain information from spirit. In mental mediumship, only the mind of the medium is utilized. Channeling is a well-known form of physical mediumship. A trance medium (someone who goes into a trance state to relay messages from the other side) is another type of physical medium.


What type of Medium Are You?

Now that you are aware of the two categories Mediums fall under, which one do you feel applies to you the most? Understanding the type of medium you are will help you understand how you receive your messages bringing more clarity to your readings. Let’s break down some of the abilities each type of Medium has.

Mental Mediums

  • Clairvoyance, or clear seeing, which they can use to see disembodied spirits and/or spirit messages through their mind’s eye. Some describe it as similar to a movie playing in their mind. This includes seeing auras.
  • Clairaudience, or clear hearing, is where the Medium can hear spirit voices communicating with them, which includes spoken thought, music, and singing.
  • Clairsentience, or clear feeling, involves the Medium’s sensing of a spiritual presence. They may feel a spirit’s touch or pick up on an ailment the soul suffered while they were in a body.
  • Clairalience, or clear smelling, where a Medium might smell a scent such as roses or a favorite perfume of someone who died.
  • Clairgustance, or clear tasting, comes in when a Medium is given a literal taste of something, such as a once favored food of a spirit.

Physical Mediums

  • Levitation, in which inanimate objects lift into the air on their own, or the Medium’s body levitates.
  • Automatic Writing, where the Medium holds a writing instrument on paper and relinquishes conscious control to allow a spirit to write its messages through them. Ouija boards are another form used in this way.
  • Ectoplasm, where the Medium’s bodily substance is mixed with an etheric substance which enables a spirit to affect physical matter and can be seen by the naked eye.
  • Materializations, in which the materialization of a spirit can be seen in its once human form, as in ghosts. They are sometimes seen in séances but can be seen by anyone, anywhere. They can also appear as orbs.
  • Channeling involves allowing a spirit to inhabit the Medium’s physical body to speak through them. The Medium’s expression and voice may change significantly to resemble the spirit inside them.

Mediumship Readings

Death is not the end of your strong bonds with your loved ones. During a psychic medium reading, you can share messages, get closure, and so much more. The purpose of this type of reading is to assure you that your loved ones still exist in light consciousness on the other side.

What to expect during a reading with me?

All of my mediumship readings are done through a video call. My intention is to provide you with information from the other side that will assist you in healing, deepen your spiritual awareness and raise consciousness. Information will come through and I will begin to speak freely and often times quickly. Most information will make sense to you and not to me. Some information you will not understand but may understand later after checking with family members or doing further research. I let you know images or symbols I’m seeing, things I’m feeling physically, words or phrases I’m hearing, taste and smell will come up too.

The important thing to know is the way I communicate with spirit isn’t like having a conversation where there’s talking back and forth. Most the time it’s spirit showing me images or symbols or causing me to physically feel sensations and I have to figure out what these things mean with confirmation from you.

How to prepare for a reading?

Take at least 10 minutes before a mediumship reading session to ground yourself, clear your mind and set your intention. Without telling me, write down who you would like to connect with and any questions you may have. Make sure to be in a quiet comfortable place where you will not be disturbed.

How to book a Mediumship Reading?

You can book a reading with me by heading on over to the menu section. On the menu toolbar you’ll see “Services” a drop down menu should appear and you should see “Readings“. After clicking on “Readings” the website will direct you to all of my reading selections, click on “Mediumship“. You could also click on the word “Mediumship” in this text to be brought directly to the page.

After purchasing the reading you will be emailed confirmation. I will then email you personally regarding appointment times, what to expect, and how to prepare.


Tell Me Your Thoughts.

How do you feel about this topic? Would you like to learn more on this? Did you enjoy reading this blog? Did you learn anything new? What are you wanting future bog posts to be about? Please let me know in the comments section below.

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