Opening The Third Eye


The Third Eye

The third eye is one of the seven main chakras in our bodies. In case you didn’t know, chakras are energy spots that align with nerves, big organs, and parts of our energetic body, which impact how we feel both emotionally and physically. The third eye chakra, sitting right between your eyebrows, is the one that gives you that gut feeling, your intuition, and fuels your imagination.


Third Eye Correspondences

The third eye, also called the “seeing chakra,” is tied to the Pineal Gland. Some think this gland helps with perception, awareness, and even spiritual chats. The third eye usually comes with cool colors like purple, indigo, violet, and lilac. It’s also linked to two planets – Jupiter and Neptune. The element here is light which basically lets us see and recognize shapes and forms from far away.


Is Your Third Eye Closed?

Are you having trouble planning your future? Are you having trouble setting goals? Maybe you’re feeling narrow-minded, have a bad memory, lack focus, suffer from depression and/or headaches. These are all symptoms of having a closed third eye. Other symptoms include hormonal imbalances, poor judgement, poor intuition, difficulty seeing beyond the physical realm, poor imagination, vision impairment, feeling “stuck”, & dehydration.

How To Open The Third Eye

mascara on eye


Reiki is an old-school Japanese healing trick that jump-starts your body’s natural fix-it mode, gets your physical and mental vibes back on track, and helps you be your true self. Basically, the practitioner channels universal life force energy through their hands to bring balance to your body. They send this energy to your chakra points, balancing or activating each one. The cool part? It can be done right there with you or even from a distance!

I am a Reiki Master in traditional Ryoho Usui Reiki & also Kundalini Reiki. Being a master, I can say from my experience reiki is extremely effective & very gentle. This degree of reiki allows me to send to anyone, anywhere, at any time. You do not have to be in person to receive a reiki treatment from a practitioner of level 2 & above. If you would like to experience a reiki session from me click here.

Crystals for Opening The Third Eye

Crystals are pretty famous for their healing and metaphysical vibes. They also vibe with the seven main chakras, matching by color. Yep, you guessed it—purple crystals are linked to healing the third eye. But hey, not all third eye crystals are purple! Here are some of my favorite ones:

  • Amethyst
  • Lepidolite
  • Iolite
  • Labradorite
  • Flourite
  • Dumortierite
  • Sodalite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Azurite

Changing Your Diet

Diet can play a big roll in balancing chakras, spiritual awakenings, overall mental & physical well-being. In my reiki training I was taught about “eating your chakras” supporting foods for each chakra. Eat the rainbow, & I ain’t talking Skittles. For the third eye we want to eat foods in color of purple & blue. Blueberries, grapes, beets, eggplant, etc. When we are trying to open our third eye we need to include foods that will detox the third eye. Coconut oil + Water revitalizes the brain and detoxes the pineal gland. There are also things we should stay away from such as fluoride, processed foods, sugars & additives, artificial sweeteners & soda. Here are some things you can add in your diet to detoxify & activate your third eye:

  • Bananas
  • Prunes
  • Raspberries
  • Elderberries
  • Acai berries
  • Plums
  • Purple Cabbage
  • Purple Carrots
  • Raw cacao
  • Spirulina
  • Raw apple cider vinegar
  • Pineapple
  • Flax seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Hemp seeds


Don’t scroll past this section! Hear me out. I understand the stigma surrounding this topic. Meditation sparks a certain image in the majority of people’s minds of sitting with your legs crossed & eyes closed chanting “ohm”. This is not the only style of meditation! Meditation is simply the act of “stilling the mind”. Whatever activity you do to “still your mind” can be considered meditation. Bathing, going for a walk, spending time in nature, listening to music, art are all styles of meditation. Youtube is a great resource for guided meditations. Just type in the search bar “guided third eye opening meditations”. What I like to do is sleep hypnosis. Meditating in my sleep. Again, tons of resources on this in Youtube.


I use the practice of affirmations a lot. As you’ve probably noticed reading my blogs each week. Affirmations are just so easy to use & so very impactful. Now with saying affirmations we want to speak in the frequency of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the highest frequencies to work with. You can write the affirmations on sticky notes and stick them all over. You could also recite these to yourself in your head or outload. Use them in your meditation or in spellwork; however you see fit. Here are a few you can use:

  • I am so thankful for my clear vision & thoughts.
  • I perceive everything clearly.
  • I am insightful.
  • I trust in what I see, feel, & think.
  • My mind is open to all possibilities.
  • I am connected to my higher power.
  • I am connected to my inner guidance & trust my intuition.
  • I am the source of my truth.
  • I choose to tap into my inner wisdom.
  • I am so grateful my well of inner wisdom is so deep.
  • My sight & understanding gets clearer everyday.
  • My intuition is my superpower.
  • Thank you universe for making my intuition my superpower.

Essential Oils for Opening Third Eye

This is a very simple method. Essential oils are known to hold healing & metaphysical properties. Taking a whiff of lavender, myrrh, sandalwood, and/or chamomile or dabbing some directly on the third eye is said to help open & activate this chakra.

opening the third eye

Symptoms of The Third Eye Opening

Now that you have received advice on how to open & detoxify your third eye, you may be wondering “How will I know it’s working?” Here are some symptoms or signs you might experience:

  • You begin to see bright colors around people (auras).
  • Feeling pressure and/or tingling between eyebrows.
  • Feel more oneness & connected to ALL life forms.
  • You have an increase in paranormal experiences.
  • Increase in vivid dreams, some with visitations.
  • Noticeable increase in coincidences.
  • Increased foresight on future events.
  • Your gut instincts are rarely wrong.
  • Increased sensitivity to light.
  • Buzzing sound in ears.
  • Increased manifestation abilities.

2 thoughts on “Opening The Third Eye

  1. Hello! I love all your blog posts. I like the affirmations that you posted. Lately I have been writing things down with a dry erase marker on my bathroom mirror. Lol I have about 5 different things up there right now and I’ve drawn a picture of something I am attracting into my world as well. It helps me see these everyday. I use essential oils everyday frankincense specifically did he calcify my pineal gland which helps with third eye activity amongst other things. I do have a question about dreaming. And I’ve always been this way since I can remember. I don’t really dream. I mean I have. But very very few times in my life do I remember them. Any thoughts on this? Am I blocked in some way I’ve always pondered this. Just wondering what your thoughts are

    1. So according to what scientists say, everyone dreams. Dream memory recall is what you could be having trouble with. Or it could be a disturbance in your REM cycle. Do you have any K2? K2 stone is great for dreaming & recall! Azurite & celestite are really good for dreaming & dream recall as well. Blue kyanite as well but that is a more fragile stone and don’t recommend placing that under your pillow.

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