DNA Repair Healing


This reiki has the potential to help realign your DNA strands. It is said that results may be noticed after three weeks. By realigning DNA strands we can help activate the regeneration of cells function in your body. By repairing our DNA we can potentially heal genetic illness. Read item’s full description for more info…..



This reiki has the potential to help realign your DNA strands. It is said that results may be noticed after three weeks. By realigning DNA strands we can help activate the regeneration of cells function in your body. Regenerating cells is something our bodies to naturally to fight disease and illness. But with our DNA and cells under constant attack due to todays environment, some may have difficulty with this process. By repairing our DNA we can potentially heal genetic illness.


The method of healing that will be used to do this is Kundalini Reiki healing. Kundalini reiki is said to be the most powerful and impactful healing technique. Reiki energy can reach any person, dimension, time, and thing.


After your purchase you will receive a confirmation email and a consultation email. In the consultation email we will discuss intentions, the process, and appointment times.


Disclaimer: I am not claiming to be a doctor , nor am I claiming this cures any illnesses or diseases. You should always follow the advice of your doctor and any licensed health professionals.

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