Moon Magic

moon magic

Moon Magic Prelude

Moon magic is probably the most beloved magical influence in the witch and spiritual community. The moon is known to be very influential when it comes to our day-to-day energy. Not only to humans but also nature. The planet is believed to hold so much power that it is sacred amongst many different cultures. It’s influence is so strong in fact, rituals are still preformed today in many different societies and cultures.

sisters of the moon quote

The Symbolic Moon

Moon magic is one of the first things people research when first becoming a part of the witch and spiritual community. This sacred planet symbolizes life phases, the balance of light and dark, divine power, and wholeness or one-ness. It is believed in the witch community to be our greatest power source. Learning about the moon is a good place to start when you’re a newbie.

moon phase energy magic

Energy Influence of The Moon

Starting from the new moon, energy increases. This is the time when we manifest and work hard towards achieving our goals that were set at the beginning of the moon cycle. White Magic is typically preformed during this time. As the moon reaches it peak energy, during the Full Moon phase, energy starts to decrease. This decreasing energy helps us evaluate our progress, drift away from what’s no longer serving us and preparing us for new beginnings. Darker magic is usually practiced here.

moon phase magic

Moon Phase Magic

Each moon phase holds a different energy we harness and use to create magic. As you can see the New Moon Phase holds influence over new beginnings. During this time we preform rituals or spellwork revolving around that specific influence. Since the New Moon holds the power of new beginnings banishing, cleansing, and setting intentions are ideal workings.

moon witch

Moon Magic Varies

I feel obliged to remind those who read this that everyone has their own path and practices magic in their own way. Not everyone preforms rituals and magic corresponding with the moon phases. Some witches only preform white magic while other preform grey and black. Then, there are individuals who don’t practice magic at all but still use the moons energy to manifest or track their personal energy. Use this information however you see best fit.

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