Intuitively Reading Other People

Intuitively reading other people is a basic practice in the human race. We intuitively read others without realizing what we’re doing. After paying attention you’ll realize that you use all of your clairs or “spiritual gifts” while reading others. Can everyone read others even if they’re not labeled a “psychic”? YES! We all have the natural ability & gift called intuition that allows us to do this.

There are a lot of people who say all the time “I suck at reading people”. If you feel that way please know that this could change. You don’t suck at reading people, you suck at trusting and listening to your intuition. Let’s be honest here, how many times have you felt or seen a red flag but decided to ignore it? When you do this you are weakening your intuition. Building a relationship where you trust the information you’re receiving even if it’s something you don’t want to hear because your expectations of that person are different is how you become good at intuitively reading others.

Then there are those who listen to the information they’re receiving but instead of taking heed they want to try to heal or fix that person. This is a tremendous challenge with empaths and natural born healers. We can see where this person is needing healing or help and we feel obligated to help them but most of the time those people are not wanting the help. Instead of seeing your nice gesture they often look at your sensitive nature and take advantage of it. It’s important to read the whole person empaths, not just what needs to be healed.

Now the question in your head is probably “How do I read the whole person?”. This is exactly what this article is going to be about. We’re going to not only listen to our intuition but I’m also going to show you different techniques to use while intuitively reading a person.

Reading Auras

Have you ever seen colors surrounding a person? You are seeing the persons’ auric field. The auric field is also known as an energetic field. It is believed to be connected to a person’s spiritual and emotional health. This field is made up of several layers that connect to the physical body through their chakras. Which makes reading auras a very good technique to use when reading a person.

First you’re going to want to clear you mind. When you look at the person you’re trying to read don’t so much look directly at the physical body look into the auric field around them. Allow your third eye to open and examine. You’ll know your third eye is looking when you’re seeing things through your mind’s eye rather than your physical eyes. Things may look like there an overlapping of filters when looking through the mind’s eye. Looking into the person’s auric field you will start too see colors and maybe even patterns. You may just see one color. Later on, the more you use this technique, what each color and pattern will symbolize to you. I’ll add an info graphic I found on auric colors. There is a wide variety of information online about reading auras I encourage you to look into.

Can You Smell That?!

You ever smell a person but it’s not the soap they used or perfume they wear? It’s a smell that triggers an immediate feeling or reaction. The smell is associated with a personal meaning in your intuition. For instance, some people can smell illness or disease in another person. You can smell death, envy, selfishness, etc. Your intuition will step in and help you associate the symbolism behind the scent. The more you use this gift of clairalience, the more fluent you will become with it.

What Are You Feeling?

One time I was meeting someone for the first time and as I was approaching them I felt like i walked into a wall. I literally felt like there was some kind of force field dividing this person and I. As I would try to penetrate I would get a burning sensation and see the word “DANGER”. This was a clear message not to get involved with this person and to keep my distance. As the meeting went on I felt many different emotions. One moment I was anxious, another I was inpatient, the next moment I was angry, and then felt really insecure. These feelings were not mine and I knew it. The person I was meeting was emotionally unstable with aggressive tendencies. All of these things I was feeling were intuitive messages.

Start paying attention to how you feel when you’re around a person. Not just emotionally. Physical symptoms you could experience as a message to stay clear form that person could be feeling ill, stomach cramping, sharp pains, headaches. Sometimes I get this sudden shocked feeling like as if I have just been caught or fallen into sudden danger….Take note of physical and emotional reactions are feel.

Hello…..I’m Talking To You?

Ever had a song randomly pop in your head when looking at a person? That is yet another message from your intuition. “GIRL, YOU KNOW YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! Some guys, some guys are only about that thing that thing that thing.” I cant tell you how many time that song played in my head. Can’t tell you why a Lauryn Hill song would be a intuitive message but I have sure learned to listen when it happens. One time I made eye contact with an elderly woman and heard “I love you a bushel and a peck….” As I approached her she seen my son, who was an infant at the time. She leaned over to see him and she started singing that very song! She then told me she sings that song to her great grandson and was missing him a lot that day.

Not always does a random song come out. You could hear an array of different noises that you’ll develop your own associations with. You could also hear your intuition or guides speak directly to you. Now when I say this, understand I don’t mean physical hearing. Remember how it sounds when songs play in your head? That’s what it sounds like when your intuition and spirit communicate as well. Like a conversation inside your head. Which is why it is so hard for people to accept that they are clairaudient. It enters your brain like thought and as soon as it enters it leaves. Then you’re standing there like “Where the heck did that come from?!”, that is your intuition or spirit talking to you.

Do You See What I See?

Earlier I talked about seeing auras around a person. Now I wanna talk about other things you can see. Again, seeing through the minds’ eye is different then seeing through your two physical eyes. Keeping that in mind, there will be images, words, scenes that play out in your head. This is clairvoyance.

Some things images I have seen are pills and syringes if a person has a drug addiction, a bandaged teddy bear for childhood trauma, a pitch black doorway for someone who is lost, etc. You may also see glimpses of clips of that persons traumatic events or daily activities.

Trust What You Receive

All of these signs and messages will do nothing for you if you don’t trust what you’re receiving. Your intuition is speaking directly to you, use it. Your intuition will never feed you false information. Stop confusing your intuition for intrusive thoughts. Accept the messages for what they are even if they differ from what you want or whatever expectations you had of that person. Save yourself the time and energy and listen. That is how to intuitively read other people.

2 thoughts on “Intuitively Reading Other People

  1. This has so much information! It’s a good read! Thank you for taking time to explain these things!

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