Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki

If you have dabbled around the spiritual community you may have heard or seen the word “REIKI” come up in conversation. The topic of reiki is a highly talked about discussion due to its remarkable reputation and for good reason. There are actually multiple reasons why reiki is so loved among the community but what is reiki and why is it so loved?

What is reiki?

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique channeling Universal Life Force through the practitioners hands. The word “REIKI” is the combination of two words (“Rei” + “Ki”) which translates to “universal life energy”. Reiki activates your body’s natural healing response, restores your physical and mental well-being and brings balance back to the body. Although Reiki has traditionally been used as a healing system, it is also extremely effective as a way to help individuals increase awareness, insight, wisdom and personal growth. This healing method has branched of to many different forms of such as Kundalini Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Karuna Reiki, etc. Usui Shiki Ryoho is the traditional method and is recommended as a starting point to anyone interested in exploring the world of reiki healing.

What does reiki heal?

In the tradition Usui method, universal life force energy is being sent to your chakras. Chakras are energy points in your body that correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body the affect our emotional and physical well-being. The magical thing about reiki is that it has no boundaries with space and time. The healing energy can be sent long distances and to a different time. Clients have had reiki sent to their past lives, troubling situations they’re currently in, past traumatic events, etc. I can send reiki to anywhere, even beyond earth!

Some benefits of receiving this healing may be help with anxiety, sleep, energy levels, fatigue, physical and emotional pain. It can also help with detoxing, solving problems, gaining clarity, removing blockages such as but not limited to mental or energetic blockages, vibrational frequency. behavioral issues, illness or diseases. Reiki is also beneficial to animals, plants, weather, and situations. It’s no wonder why reiki is so loved and highly praised.

Receiving Reiki

You can receive reiki in person or via long distance. For instance, a reiki practitioner of level 2 and up who lives in United States could send another person reiki who lives in Italy. Your experience receiving reiki will vary based on how you will be receiving it, who your practitioner is, and if your sensitive to feeling energies. Some can feel sensations such as tingling, blood flow, heat, cooling, dizziness, heart palpitations, etc. Some people get prolific visions. Others feel nothing at all. I would like to add, just because you don’t feel anything doesn’t mean nothing is happening.

When you’re receiving a session in person your practitioner will likely have you lie down or sit on a yoga mat or table. They will probably begin to play binary beats frequency tones softly in the background. The room will probably smell like incense, sage or palo santo. Some may actually give you a smoke cleanse before starting their session. Every practitioner does things their own way. Some will place crystals on each one of your chakras, some will walk you through some breath work, other will just have you relax and enjoy the moment. Sessions typically last 30 mins up into an hour depending on your practitioners method.

Receiving reiki long distance will be different obviously. This method is my most purchased because it doesn’t tie my clients schedule. This is another big perk with reiki, you do not need to be present or dedicate time out of your schedule in order to receive the healing. You can do whatever it is you need to do as your practitioner sends the healing. Some clients of mine ask me to send them reiki as they’re working because work has them stressed, or they’re trying to make a deadline. Others may have me send them reiki as they sleep to help promote astral travel, deep sleep or undisturbed sleep. Then there’s some who just want a routine reiki session as part of their spiritual hygiene. My clients always report back to me how much this helps them and how convenient it is for them.

If you are interested in receiving one of these sessions please click here to view the healing I offer and prices.

Becoming a reiki practitioner

Becoming a reiki practitioner has been so rewarding for me. As an intuitive empath I have a deep desire to help others, especially energetically. To become a reiki practitioner you must undergo a series of three attunements. There are three levels 1, 2, and Master (3). The first level allows students to preform self-healings and contact healings. The second levels allows students to preform long distance healings. The third level, Master Level, gives students the ability to attune others. I cannot speak for everyone on their attunement process but I will walk you through how I attune my students.

My students are placed on a video call with me. During the video call I show a presentation I have put together regarding specific knowledge that must be known for each level. After the presentation I will have a discussion with my clients on any questions or concerns they may have. Once they feel confident in the knowledge they have learned I will then start their attunement. Attunements will open energy channels in your body that will allow you to channel, receive and send the life force energy. Attunements usually take 5-10 minutes. After each class and attunement I will send my student a certificate of completion certifying they have acquired the knowledge to be a reiki practitioner.

Not everyone who gets attuned to reiki becomes a reiki practitioner. This is a personal choice. Some may become attuned to reiki energy so that they can preform self-healings and have a more intense energy flow. Other may become attuned to enhance their spiritual gifts such as psychic abilities, improve their clairs, strengthen their magic. Becoming attuned to reiki has so many benefits other than becoming a practitioner or future master.

Are you interested in becoming a future reiki master? Maybe you’re just interested in preforming self-healings or wanting to improve your magic/spiritual gifts? Take a look here at the classes and bundle packages I offer. I have been a certified Reiki Master since 2019 and have preformed many attunements globally. I make sure my student feel confident in their practices and always help them feel they can reach out to me at any time. If you have any questions feel free to comment them below or privately message me on any of my social media accounts. I appreciate you for taking the time to read this and being interested in this topic.

4 thoughts on “Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki

  1. Thank you for sharing such empowering information! I have definitely benefited from reiki – from both you and Danielle. I appreciate all your knowledge and magic ✨

    look forward to more blogs!
    much love and light

  2. This is so informative! I love the way you explained Reiki. This will be a great thing to reference when people ask what reiki is! Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge

  3. This was so informative, thank you! I have loved taking your attunement programs and have learned so much. I use Usui reiki every day and it’s been instrumental in my healing journey.

  4. Pingback: Kundalini Reiki -

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