How To Enhance Your Intuition

How To Enhance Intuition.

What Is Intuition?

First off, I would like to state that everyone has an intuition. Some may be more in tuned with their intuition than others but everyone has one. Intuition is that feeling in your gut when you instinctively know that something you are doing is right or wrong. It’s an urge or feeling so strong that you cannot deny it. That moment when you sense kindness, or fear, in another’s face. You don’t know why you feel that way; it’s just a hunch. Intuition tends to arise holistically and quickly, without awareness of the underlying mental processing of information. Enhancing this natural ability has significant importance in your well-being.

Woman in touch with her intuition.

Why Is Enhancing Your Intuition Important?

Intuition enables us to divine the possibilities of a situation. Intuition is also a means of accessing our creative self-expression, as seen in the works of artists, writers, and musicians. Yet, it isn’t exclusive to creative arts. Intuition helps us survive by providing fast responses that, usually, offer an appropriate, immediate action to address a situation. Intuition is, in essence, the connection to the subconscious. It’s how the subconscious and conscious minds communicate. This is why it’s such a vital source of creative power, wisdom, and understanding — it transcends the realms of experience or reasoning. Carl Jung went so far as to label intuition as one of four major functions of the human mind along with sensation, thinking, and feeling. By balancing all of these functions within ourselves, we have the ability to maximize our potential.

goddess of intuition

Benefits of Enhancing Your Intuition.

There are many benefits when it comes to intuition. Think about it, can you name a situation where you trusted your intuition and if you haven’t it would of cost you money, loss of an opportunity, or even your life? How many times can we accredit our intuition to leading us into great decision making that has altered our life for the better?

Enhancing Your Intuition Benefits:

  • Being in tuned with your Higher Self. You can clearly hear that voice inside & have grown a loving relationship with it. Your higher self is one with all the forgotten knowledge of all times. Your higher self (inner voice) will guide you to make the choices that are best for you rather they’re favorable at the time or not. Ever heard that saying “Listen to the little voice inside, it will never steer you wrong.“?
  • Become more creative. People with a strong intuition tend to be more creative as creatively is closely linked with intuition. Its all energy. When you learn to trust it and flow with it, like an artist does, both your mind and world will expand.
  • Build stronger relationships. By learning to trust your intuition, you are learning to trust yourself. Trusting yourself leads to trusting in your decision making which allows you to trust in the relationships you have built. Having a relationship with someone requires a decision you have made to build a bond with that person or thing. When your intuition tells you this person is safe this will allow you to open up more and invest more of yourself in the relationship.
  • Reduce stress levels. Listening and trusting your intuition can reduce your stress levels by not having to worry as much because you trust you have made the right choices. Your intuition will also let you know when and when not to worry. Once you start to hear and trust that inner voice you become much more mindful. It’s been proven that people who practice mindfulness have much lower stress levels.  You also find those negative and destructive voices start to fade which makes life far more enjoyable.
  • Find your purpose or calling. We all have that inner voice telling us what we should be doing with our life.  Sometimes it will be screaming but we have so much ‘stuff’ going on in our head that we just can’t hear it. Strengthening your intuition clears the clutter and lets that voice sing with crystal clear tones.

How To Enhance Your Intuition.

Enhancing your intuition is very simple because it is something we already have. It may not be as easy for everyone though depending on how logical brained a person. Now I’m not saying ditch the logical side of the brain , there’s a duality that needs to be met – a balance. Duality is a well known theme in spirituality. After learning what intuition is, why it’s important , and the benefits now let’s get to the how to part.

Techniques for Enhancing your Intuition:

  • “Sleep On It” Technique: Before you fall asleep relax and enter your alpha state. Ask your question, think about it, and then let the situation go – with the expectation that the morning light will bring clarity. 
  •  Meditation: Through meditation you will practice how to still your mind. You can achieve being in this meditative state by sitting in a quiet setting taking mindful breaths, going for a hike, listening to relaxing music (binaural beats), taking a shower, yoga. The goal is to rid the mind of any thoughts being present in the moment. Once this state of consciousness has been achieved you can than tune in to your intuition without getting intrusive thoughts that are not intuition.
  • Practice Gratitude: Slow down and embrace each moment with gratitude. Express ‘thank you’ in advance to the Universe for delivering the information you need. If this does not come easy, make it a habit that each day you identify at least three things for which you are grateful and write these in your diary. 
  • Creative Visualization: In creative visualization, you play the ‘reel of your projection’ but with positive images of you and your future situation. 
  • Free Writing: Get a pencil and paper and just write or draw whatever comes into your head without judgment. Be sure to clear or still your mind , ask your question, then write. You could do this each day and review to see what patterns appear that day or over time.
  • Intuitive Dancing: This is exactly what it sounds like. No choreography, just go with the flow. Turn the lights off, put some music on and just release any tension you are holding on to and allow the energy to flow through you.
  • Guess Who’s Calling: When the phone rings or a message notification arrives, try guessing who it is. Practicing this type of guessing should allow you to strengthen your intuition without too much concern about failure. 
  • 2 Truths, 1 Lie: Ask a friend to tell you 2 truths and 1 lie. Close your eyes while listening. Everytime they say a statement check in with your body. Notice anything that might be going on. After they say all three statements, tell them which one the lie was solely on what you FEEL. You can also do this game with yourself. Close your eyes and relax, tell yourself two lies and pay attention to how your body feels than tell yourself one truth also observing your body’s response.
  • Play ‘Memory’ Game: Memory is a game where players take turns in finding matching cards from those that are placed face-down. You can play this with a normal set of playing cards or a product sold as ‘Memory Game’ with picture cards.
  • Play ‘Stratego’ Game: Stratego is a board game for two players. Each player has an army and bombs protecting their hidden flag. The aim is to capture the opponent’s flag. Winning will require your intuitive thinking as well as logic. 
  • The Car Game: When you’re not on a busy road, try guessing what car will drive passed next. You can also do this staring out your window at home. Try color of the car at first then moving up to a letter or number on the license plate.
  • TikTok Videos: If you have TikTok open the app and type in the search bar “Intuition Test”. There are tons of intuition tests by various of content creators.
  • Facebook Groups: Join a psychic development facebook group. Admins are typically experienced psychics who design intuition exercises for members in the group. Here are two groups of mine:

4 thoughts on “How To Enhance Your Intuition

  1. Thank you so much because I truly look forward to reading your blog. Because it gives me so much insight and knowledge.

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