Spiritual Gifts: The 8 Clairs

spiritual gifts: the 8 clairs

Everyone Has Spiritual Gifts.

Want to know the truth on “spiritual gifts”? Everyone has them. Yes, It’s true. Everyone has natural intuitive ability, so it’s not a question of whether you have it or not – it’s a question of how open you are to using it. Most people have these large expectations about what they think a spiritual gift or psychic ability should look or feel like, and that’s their downfall.

As humans we have 5 physical senses. Touch, sight, feel, hear and taste. We also have 8 intuitive senses aka spiritual gifts or psychic abilities. Through these intuitive senses we can work with our higher self, spirit, passed loved ones, receive soul guidance, and conduct other forms of energy work. Through practice and self awareness you can turn on and tune into these 8 senses.

clairvoyance spiritual gift
Spiritual Gifts #1

Clairvoyance- Clear sense of vision.

This being the most famous clair, is actually one of the least common. In fact, there are lots of professional psychics who don’t use this sense because their other clair senses are stronger. Not all psychics are clairvoyants. Those who are usually advertise themselves as such, or as a “seer” or “remote viewer”.

If you’re clairvoyant, you may have had vivid psychic dreams, or dead relatives who came to visit you. Clairvoyance often manifests like a projector screen that gets pulled down in front of you and plays a movie of the past or future, either out of blue when you’re fully awake or during meditation. Sometimes what you’re seeing may appear as though it’s infront of your physical body. Other times it could be seen in your mind which is often passed off as imagination.

clairgustance spiritual gift
Spiritual Gifts #2

Clairgustance- Clear sense of taste

. Sometimes during my mediumship readings, spirit will have me taste things such as blood, medicines, toxins, favorite foods. This is the least common psychic sense. Again, we all have this spiritual gift or clair (whatever you wanna call it) but majority of people are not as in tuned with this sense.

This sense is most commonly used in mediumship to connect with spirits – rather than fortune telling. The taste of blood is most common in those who use this sense during mediumship.

clairsalience spiritual gift
Spiritual Gifts #3

Clairsalience- Clear sense of smell.

Speaking again from experience during mediumship, spirit has had me smell perfumes, after shave, foundation pressed powder, cigar smoke, food cooking, flowers. I can even smell illness and death in people both passed and living. My sister Monica, who is also a talented psychic, has no sense of smell in her daily life but has clairsalience during her readings. Amazing right?!

The smells don’t usually linger. They’re there just long enough for you to notice. Similarly to clairgustance, this sense is most often used in mediumship.

spiritual gifts of clairaudience
Spiritual Gifts #4

Clairaudience- Clear sense of hearing.

Often people assume that this sense always means hearing voices. Yes, a lot of clairaudient psychic and mediums hear words – but again, this isn’t very common. A lot of people experience this sense in different ways, and you’ve probably experienced it too. Have you ever felt your ear/s get hot for no reason? Have you ever notice words in a song that seemed to be timed perfectly for what you were thinking in that moment? Or thought of a relative and a song that you associate with them started playing on the radio?

For me, my ears ring in a variety of different tones and frequencies. My ears also do this thing called tunneling where it sounds and feel like your going through an underground tunnel. Clairaudience can come in many different forms, but if you’ve ever had a strange coincidence happen related to your ears – it was probably a sign of your clairaudience.

claircognizance spiritual gift
Spiritual Gifts #5

Claircognizance- Clear sense of knowing.

Have you ever just known information without knowing how you know? This is Claircognizance. The name of this sense isn’t very popular but it is accepted under other names such as “Mother’s Intuition”. Even people who aren’t spiritual can accept the fact the sometimes you just know, and you don’t have any evidence yet but you don’t need that evidence because you’re so sure.

Claircognizance can be used in many different types of psychic readings. This sense can be tricky to distinguish, especially if your other senses are turned up high, but it’s an amazing one for confirming what the other senses are telling you.

clairsentience spiritual gift
Spiritual Gifts #6

Clairsentience- Clear sense of feeling.

This is the “gut feeling” that everyone experiences in everyday life by both spiritual and non-spiritual people. There are 2 ways that clairsentience can manifest: internally and externally.

Experiencing this externally is when you feel something cold or goosebumps in one part of your body. External clairsentience if often used in mediumship. Spirit makes me feel how they passed. My lungs will fill with fluid and ill have difficulty breathing for respiratory related deaths. My jaw will lock and taste will go bland which represents inability to eat. This one time during a reading, I felt like my ribs were being crushed and I couldn’t breathe. i kept seeing a motorcycle laying down and seeing blurred street lights. My client had then told me that her long time boyfriend passed in a motorcycle accident where the bike landed on him and crushed his rib cage. Those are just some examples of external clairsentience.

Internal clairsentience is more common as it’s that “gut feeling” or sense of dread about something that you can’t explain. It can also be a good feeling about something to come, which helps you to know that it’s going to be right for you. Investors use this sense, gamblers, CEO’s, even doctors.

Spiritual Gifts #7

Clairempathy- Clear sense of emotional feeling.

Empathy is a normal human emotion and being an “empath” – being able to feel the emotions of other people – affects about 20% of the population. From my experience in the spiritual community, the vast majority of people who call themselves spiritual also identify as an empath. However, clairempathy is different. It means being able to feel emotions in advance, or being able to feel the emotions of others when they’re nowhere near you and you’re not communicating with them.

Mediums might use this sense to channel the emptions of a passed loved one. Other professional psychics might tell you how you felt in your childhood or how you will feel about events in the future.

It can also manifest as knowing something is wrong with a loved one who’s on the other side of the world, because you can sense their sadness and their grief. You can’t explain it, but your energy is so closely linked that you’re able to psychically feel their emotions.

Spiritual Gifts #8

Clairtangency- Clear sense of touch.

If you have ever held an antique and felt like it had a long story, you might have been experiencing clairtangency. Some psychics are able to hold an object and tell you how many hands it’s passed through, when and where it was made, and what the last owner was like.

When you go to an in-person reading with a medium, they may ask you to being an object related to the person that you want to connect with. They can pick on the energy stored within an item using their hands. Objects are constantly soaking in energy so there’s a lot of psychic information that can be gained from the homes and belongings that we keep around us.

thank you

Thank you.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and have gained some information on the 8 clairs. Hopefully you were able to connect your personal experiences with some of the examples. I feel the need to add that just because some of these clairs may be harder for you to tap into doesn’t mean it will always be like that. You can strengthen these senses through various exercises, meditations, practices – all within a google search away.

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