Samhain & The Veil

Blessed Samhain!

Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced “sow-win”) is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. Starting October 31st ending November 1st. Marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or “darker half” of the year. During this time, it is believe the barrier (also known as The Veil) between the physical human world and the non-physical spirit world dissipates. Allowing more interaction between humans and spiritual entities. The majority of celebrants even say they can feel the veil thinning throughout the month of October. With the veil thinning, this also marks a day to honor our ancestors. Ancient Celts marked Samhain as the most significant of the four quarterly fire festivals, taking place at the midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. During this time of year, hearth fires in family homes were left to burn out while the harvest was gathered.

The Veil

The veil acts as a barrier between the worlds. As Samhain approaches, the veil gets thinner and thinner. The lifting of the veil is a sacred event , a time to honor our ancestors as they walk through the veil into the physical human world. This makes paranormal encounters more common and communication with the non-living easier. So, how can you tell the veil is thinning?

  • Visits from loved ones in your dreams.
  • You’ll suddenly find feathers along your path.
  • Your electronics will act up.
  • Lights and candles will flicker.
  • You’ll smell a scent associated with a loved one.
  • You’ll feel a presence.
  • You’ll feel an increased energy, anxiety like feeling.
  • You’ll get sudden body chills or experience room temperature drops.

Signs From Spirit

One thing is certain, if spirit is trying to get in contact with you – they will manifest in any way possible to get their message across. Over my life span, I have seen spirit communicate in so many different ways. There are so many experiences documented of spirit communication and they’re all extremely fascinating. As discussed above, feathers can be a sign from spirit letting you know your loved ones are nearby. But have you ever experienced seeing repeated numbers? You see the same set of repeated numbers throughout the day, week, or month. These set of numbers are commonly referred to as, Angel Numbers. Each repeated number holds a different message from spirit. Next time you see a repeated number, google the meaning.

As I said before, spirit can manifest themselves and their messages into anything – including animals. That’s right, Crazy Aunt Caroline who pointed to a cardinal screaming “ITS GRANDMA!” isn’t so crazy after all. Visits from animals are a common manifestation spirit does to let you know their soul is physically there with you in that moment. Spirit can manifest themselves and their messages in other ways such as songs, telepathic thoughts, scents, dreams and visions, even ear ringing. Some people have even received phone calls or text messages from their loved ones.

Samhain Activities

Jumping back into Samhain, not only was this marked the end of the harvest season – Samhain is also marked as The New Year. It is one of, if not the most, important holidays for Wiccans. In addition to being a time to honor family members, friends and pets who have passed away, Samhain is the final harvest holiday and marks the end—and therefore beginning—of a new cycle on the Wheel. Some activities or rituals preformed on this day may include decorating a Samhain altar and a separate ancestor altar, creating offerings for past loved ones, cooking old family recipes aka “Dumb Supper”, sharing family stories, building a fire, holding a seance or practicing divination, making a besom, going for a nature walk.

Ancestor Altar

Making an ancestor altar is a beloved practice for many different cultures world wide. It is believed, making a sacred space to honor your ancestors will encourage visitation and communication from them. It is a sentimental practice that holds the whole meaning of Samhain. Without our ancestors, we would not be here. Without their sacrifices we would not be alive, have the practices we have, there would be basic knowledge or modern-day discoveries. All of the things, thoughts and people we know and love have all come from our ancestors. It is time to honor them and thank them for all they have done.

Offering For Your Ancestors

As stated above, making offerings for our ancestors is an activity on the day of Samhain. Offerings can be big or small. Offerings are like a gift you are leaving for your ancestors. Food is the most common offering. On Samhain we make a “Dumb Supper” which is an old family recipe in a feast like setting. A plate is made for our ancestors and the leftovers are discarded out in nature as a thank you to land and Mother Earth. Other offerings may include some of your ancestors personal items, incense, a hand written letter to them, money, a candle in honor of them, liquor or water, or something handmade.

Communicating With Your Ancestors

Communicating with your ancestors is a main goal for many this sabbat. Some have great success while others are disappointed with their “lack” of experiences. Here’s the thing, if you did not get the interaction you were hoping for, this does not mean spirit did not communicate with you. Earlier I listed ways spirit can manifest communication. Often the living expect the non-living to communicate as they did while they were living here in the physical world. So the humans are expecting a conversation. THIS IS NOT HOW SPIRIT COMMUNICATES. In the spirit realm, spirit communicates telepathically. When they send messages to the physical realm it can be seen in the manifestations I listed previously. If you’re trying to get in contact with your loved ones this Samhain do yourself a favor, release expectations and pay attention to the signs.

One thought on “Samhain & The Veil

  1. Yes. My dad told my mom he would do something to let her know hes there. Knock on door 2 times. This has been happening at my house. 2xs knocker then silence. Now i know he wants to visit or someone does.
    Great information latisha,
    Love and light.

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