Discovering the shadow self during shadow season.


Shadow Season is here, inviting you to step into deeper healing, transformation, renewal and rebirth. Shadow Season is the gift supporting us to engage in this deeper work that is essential to our souls path. Renewal and rebirth come after an inner change, a transformation of heart, mind, and sense of self. This is the time to reflect inward and rediscover your most authentic self.

The wheel of the year

When is Shadow Season?

When the night and day go from perfect balance to an increase of night hours, this period begins Shadow Season. Beginning on the fall equinox and continuing until the spring equinox. Looking at the Wheel Of The Year (pictured above) Shadow Season sits opposite from the “High Growth Season”. Shadow Season is a larger, longer season of bringing the years work and harvest to completion, of rest, and of turning inward. During this time, fields were cleared and sometimes burned after the harvest was completed to start again in the spring.

As above, so below. As within, so without. Shadow season phrase.

As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.

Ancient wisdom teachings points to the natural world as one of our greatest teachers. Just as this is a time for nature and Earth to rest, to turn inward, and prepare for the next growing season, Shadow Season is gifted to us for a similar purpose. Thus making the phrase “As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul.” a key reminder at this time. This phrase can refer to what’s happening inside the human body mimicking what is happening in the wider world.

the shadow self meeting the higher self

What Is SHADOW & Shadow Work?

Our shadow faces inward and often it can be a side of us that remains hidden. Psychology refers to it as the unknown dark side of our personality; this is where our shadow gets a bad rep. You cannot have light without a shadow. A shadow is light blocked by an object. Shadow work is the process of removing these objects. It is the process of inner reflections. Allowing one to understand their shadow, acknowledge its presence and achieve inner harmony.

the spirit realm

Thinning Of The Veil

This time of year is also known as the veil thinning period. The veil to the otherworld (the spirit realm) progressively becomes thinner and thinner then eventually lifting completely during Samhain, October 31st for 24 hours. This allows the spirits to cross into the human world giving us a deeper connection with spirit, our guides, and ancestors. This gives us much needed support as we are discovering and working on our shadow.

higher self embracing shadow self during shadow season

Quick Summary

In summary, Shadow Season is the time where we can access a deeper inner healing, cleaning the slate to prepare for the season of high growth. Luckily at this time, you will be supported by your guides and ancestors. Allow your higher self to step in and assist you when needed. I would also suggest practicing grounding techniques throughout the day and starting a shadow work journal. May this season bring you powerful breakthroughs that align you with your souls purpose.

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